Winter 2014 Foundations of Meditation Class
Foundations of Meditation - Join Janaki Pierson for an introduction to silent, seated, mantra-based meditation. The course will help establish the participants in the daily practice of meditation to experience the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits. Each class is 90 minutes and includes a 20 minute silent meditation. Instructor Janaki Pierson has taught silent, sitting, yogic meditation using mantra for over 30 years. She has been established in her own daily practice for 36 years. She teaches throughout New England and Pennsylvania in medical, educational, corporate and community settings. She has taught up to six meditation classes weekly through various departments of Greenwich Hospital over the past 18 years, as well as weekly classes at the Woodbury Yoga Center for 30 years.
Starting February 13th:
Class times for Winter 2014 will be Wednesday mornings -