In our fast-paced world of constant communication and connection, people are feeling more and more disconnected and overwhelmed. We all need more time to unwind and unplug. Mindfulness can give you that time each day to connect inward, relax and recharge. You deserve a few moments of calm and quiet each day. We can show you how.
Research has now shown that just a few minutes of mindfulness meditation each day can lower stress, reduce anxiety, increase focus and improve our overall health and wellness.
I offer classes ONLINE and IN-PERSON through
Pause to be Present ™
Check out all of our ONLINE Daily Meditation Sessions, Upcoming Classes and Workshops and IN PERSON CLASSES in our new Scarsdale studio!
“This is your life. It’s happening right now.
We always feel like we will find our true happiness after we do something, get something or arrive somewhere else, and that will bring us happiness. We wait for vacation, for a promotion, or for someone to treat us differently. Why spend your life waiting? The only time you ever really have is right now.
What are you waiting for? ”
“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.
-Ferris Bueller”
Just a few of 2bp Class Topics . . .
2bpresent offers classes that meet in our Westchester studio, as well as special events and classes at locations in the New York City and Westchester area. You can register for one of 2bp's fall classes on our Upcoming Events & Registration page. Below are just some of the many classes that we offer and that can be organized for private groups, schools and organizations.
Mindful Parenting
Parenting is one of the hardest jobs you will ever have, and no one trains you for it. Parents often ask how they can help their children reduce their stress levels, gain greater emotional regulation and establish a sense of focus and calm. The best way for parents to help their children is to model that behavior in themselves. The Mindful Parenting Workshop is designed to help parents do just that.
The Mindful Parenting Workshop will combine the benefits of learning to develop a mindfulness practice with parenting support and education. The goal of this workshop is to learn mindfulness tools to help parents bring calm, clarity, wisdom and joy into parenting.
Benefits of Mindful Parenting:
Understanding our own stress reactions and how we can react more skilfully
Increasing calm and stability in ourselves and our children
Fostering a greater connection between parent and child
Increasing attention, focus and concentration
Enriched appreciation of the ordinary moments of life
Learning to listen with kindness to ourselves and to our children to foster communication with our children
Mindful Eating
We often think more about what we eat, than how we eat. By understanding our relationship with food and exploring our eating habits, we can have a major impact on our health and wellness. Mindful eating is rediscovering one of life’s great pleasures - the joy of eating. Finding ways to slow down and eat intentionally are all a part of developing a truly healthy appreciation for food. It also allows you to become more aware of your body’s cues that tell you when you are hungry and when you are full.
In this course, we will explore mindful eating practices and the science behind healthy eating habits that can transform your relationship with food and eating.
Mindfulness for a Better Night Sleep
You toss and you turn, you are exhausted but you just can't fall asleep. Sound familiar? If so, you are not alone. 43% of Americans report that they rarely or never get a good night’s sleep. and 85% of Americans report that stress keeps them awake at night. Yet, sleep is critical to our overall health and wellbeing. This interactive workshop offers guided meditations and mindfulness practices that will help relax the body and the mind, so that you can get a better night sleep.
Keep Calm & Carry On - Mindfulness for Kids & Teens
Our children today deal with many stresses and competing demands on their time and attention. This course is designed to help your child learn tools to cope with the demands of a very busy life. We will learn and practice mindfulness exercises that help increase their ability to focus and pay attention, to relax when feeling stressed or anxious, to navigate the stresses of school and social pressures, and to create more opportunities to enjoy simply being who they are so they can thrive.
2bp's Online Mindfulness Resrouces . . .
For free videos, guided meditations and reading recommendations, view our online resources. Check out just a few of the many 2bp videos and guided meditations you can find on 2bpTV, which you can subscribe to below!
Are You Ready 2bpresent?
An introduction to 2bpresent. Welcome to 2bp TV!
What is Mindfulness?
Welcome to 2bTV!
2bp's Online Guided Meditations
Try this breathing exercise to relax your mind and your body.
Under Pressure - Video for Teens
Learn more about how mindfulness is helpings teens cope with the increasing demands and pressures they face in this 2bp video!
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Find Out About Our Other Offerings
To Benefit Your Business
Cultivate a Corporate Culture of Productivity, Focus, Innovation and Resilience
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To Teach at Your School
Transform your classroom by becoming a Mindful School
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Mindfulness & Conflict Resolution
2bpresent offers excellent mindfulness programs for Law Schools, Law Firms, Lawyers and Mediators.
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Speaking Engagements
2bpresent offers engaging workshops and presentations to bring mindfulness to your organization or community
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What People Are Saying
Every now and then you come across a class or a person who helps you to be a better person. Cheryl offers just that. I am a better person because of all the things that I have learned- I am a better spouse, a better mother, a better friend, a better co-worker, and actually even more compassionate with myself. And what’s the best part? That I got all this by simply learning how to slow down and calm down. I will be forever grateful! Taking the beginning meditation class is the single most important thing I have done for myself in the last decade. I can honestly say that my family and I are all happier because of my taking this one step to learn how to be calmer and more mindful.